domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

become the balance

Published on Jul 28, 2012
Rock Balance Demonstration by Michael Grab July 2012
The challenge here was making this balance happen within the 5 minute video limitation of my camera... it took about 5 takes to finally get it (AFTER getting to know the rocks).
*FOCUS. Relax. the coolest thing is that the camera was able to capture the creation AND natural collapse of the balance before the 5 minute limit. completing the cycle. :)) so here's how it's done.
*notice the technique of bracing the lower rocks while placing the next. the top rock acts as a pin to stabilize the whole structure, which is why it is very helpful to use a LARGE rock on top. plus, i like the overall design balance that the large top rock adds. and i love shades of red. as soon as i found that red rock, i knew it must go on top. it was a beautiful rock. :) contemplate, try it for yourself. all about presence in the moment. SLOW down. become the balance. :)
If you want to see the crazy things Mr. Grab can do, look here. As it happens, ourRadiolab podcast this week is also a meditation on stones. We kick ours. (In order to find out what — deep, deep down — rocks are made of. Not atoms, not protons, electrons, not quarks, says our guest writer, Jim Holt. He thinks rocks are made of "math." We then throw things at each other. You might want to listen.)

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